Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Story Behind the Crime Scene

In 1519, Hernando Cortes traveled from Spain to the East Coast of Mexico seeking riches. When doing so, he gained native allies with the help of his army. Montezuma II had then sent warriors to surprise Cortes, but they had been easily driven off by the 'men on horsebacks' with guns (being that the Aztecs had no knowledge of these things). Failing to stop Cortes, Montezuma II had allowed him and his army to enter Tenochtitlan. Cortes later seized him as a hostage and attempted to govern through him. In June 1520, the Aztec rose against the Spanish. Unfortunatly, Montezuma II was killed in the battle, although whether by the Spanish or Aztecs is not certain; and the Aztec empire became part of the Spanish empire.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Crime Scene-Spanish Piece

"We known for a long time of the writings of our ancestors that neither I [Moctezuma], neither any of the ones that moved in this land, is natural of her, only of the foreigners that came from piezao ver distant, and we know besides that an overlord, of whom were all the vassals brought to our people to this region. And he returned to his native land and after many years came again, moment in which all the ones that had remained were married with the native women and they had built to villages and to children servants. And when he desired to conduct them far away that would not go again neither even that they would not admit him and his leader, and so he left. And we have maintained provided that the ones that they descended of him they would come to conquer this land and take ourselves as their vassals. So due to the place of which you demand to come, to know, of where the sun raises himself, and the things that you says us of the great Mister or king that sent him here, we creates and is sure that he is our Mister natural, especially therefore you say that he has known about us by a certain hour. It be assured so that we will obey him and we will maintain him as our Mister instead of that great sovereign whose do you speak; and in this there will not be offense or treason any. I know full well of all that has happened of puntunchan to here, and also I know the about of tascalteca they go him said a lot badly of me; creates what you see they are their for those are only my enemies, and some were my vassals and rebelled against me in their to come and said those things to win favor with you also I know that they have said him that be the walls of my houses, fact he..."

Source: Aztec Team 6

Crime Scene-Images

Investigation Form

Section A: Physical Description of Victim:
1. Age at time of death: Late 20's-Early 30's.
2. Country of Origin: Mexico.
3. Approx. size of population: 15,000,000 .
4. Significant Geographical Features: Desert area; Lack of flat land; Marshes; Terrace farming; Stone walls; Sunstone.

Section B:Victim’s Cultural Background:
1. Language(s) spoken: Nahuatl.
2. Description of government: Used to be a strong central [monarchy] government that received tribute payments from many of their subject people, until the Spaniards came along; System of Tribute.
3. Description of Economic System: Based on agriculture/farming; Markets (jewelry,food and weapons); Chinampas.

4. Description of religious beliefs: Performed rituals and ceremonies involving astronomical/nature gods; Religious offerings/sacrifices were given.

Section C: Forensic Analysis:
1. List and describe all evidence used: A folded & dirty wash cloth (brown); A Spanish passage; 2 maps (Eragon); 3 bullets (2 regular; 1 in red case?); Foot prints left by an animal; Outline of murdered body.
2. Explain significance of each piece of evidence: The folded & dirty wash cloth was probably filled with some kind of disease (maybe smallpox?); The Spanish passage was probably a note that involved the killing of this victim; The maps show where the crime took place or where the victim might have lived (Eragon/near the Atlantic Ocean); The foot prints left by an animal shows that this victim was not the alone at the crime scene; The outline of the murdered body is the position of how the body lied after the crime took place.
3. List and describe any possible suspects: Hernando Cortes or several of his 'people'; Somone who is very clever & won't give up a fight.

Section D: Witness Interviews (be sure to quote and cite all witnesses):
1. Describe all sources used (art work, journal entry, etc): Pictures; Artwork; Documents; Spanish Passage; Maps, etc.
2. Who created sources: Internet; Mr. Brown; Ms. Goldberg; Spaniards/Aztecs.
3. Dates of testimony: June 1520 A.D.
4. State significance of each witness along with specific details of testimony: Something that involves bullets, guns, horses, dirty areas (deserts), and a rivalry of Spanish people and the Aztecs (Cortes).

Section E: Conclusions:
1. Cause of Death (check one only): Suicide ___ Natural Causes ___ Homicide XXX
2. Explain cause of death (in detail): This incident may have been a homicide because it involved bullets, a crime scene, and images indicating the victim(s). (**The washcloth was probably filled with a disease--smallpox?)

-Global Studies Textbook