Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Investigation Form

Section A: Physical Description of Victim:
1. Age at time of death: Late 20's-Early 30's.
2. Country of Origin: Mexico.
3. Approx. size of population: 15,000,000 .
4. Significant Geographical Features: Desert area; Lack of flat land; Marshes; Terrace farming; Stone walls; Sunstone.

Section B:Victim’s Cultural Background:
1. Language(s) spoken: Nahuatl.
2. Description of government: Used to be a strong central [monarchy] government that received tribute payments from many of their subject people, until the Spaniards came along; System of Tribute.
3. Description of Economic System: Based on agriculture/farming; Markets (jewelry,food and weapons); Chinampas.

4. Description of religious beliefs: Performed rituals and ceremonies involving astronomical/nature gods; Religious offerings/sacrifices were given.

Section C: Forensic Analysis:
1. List and describe all evidence used: A folded & dirty wash cloth (brown); A Spanish passage; 2 maps (Eragon); 3 bullets (2 regular; 1 in red case?); Foot prints left by an animal; Outline of murdered body.
2. Explain significance of each piece of evidence: The folded & dirty wash cloth was probably filled with some kind of disease (maybe smallpox?); The Spanish passage was probably a note that involved the killing of this victim; The maps show where the crime took place or where the victim might have lived (Eragon/near the Atlantic Ocean); The foot prints left by an animal shows that this victim was not the alone at the crime scene; The outline of the murdered body is the position of how the body lied after the crime took place.
3. List and describe any possible suspects: Hernando Cortes or several of his 'people'; Somone who is very clever & won't give up a fight.

Section D: Witness Interviews (be sure to quote and cite all witnesses):
1. Describe all sources used (art work, journal entry, etc): Pictures; Artwork; Documents; Spanish Passage; Maps, etc.
2. Who created sources: Internet; Mr. Brown; Ms. Goldberg; Spaniards/Aztecs.
3. Dates of testimony: June 1520 A.D.
4. State significance of each witness along with specific details of testimony: Something that involves bullets, guns, horses, dirty areas (deserts), and a rivalry of Spanish people and the Aztecs (Cortes).

Section E: Conclusions:
1. Cause of Death (check one only): Suicide ___ Natural Causes ___ Homicide XXX
2. Explain cause of death (in detail): This incident may have been a homicide because it involved bullets, a crime scene, and images indicating the victim(s). (**The washcloth was probably filled with a disease--smallpox?)

-Global Studies Textbook

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